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How can I save illustration to Mac/PC?

You can save your illustration following steps.

[Steps to save illustration]
  1. Please open "My Gallery" and choose illustration which you want to export.
  2. Please tap the 4th left icon (Export icon) in menu bar.
  3. Please tap "Export Picture to Photos Library".
That concludes adding illustration to "Photos" app library.
Saved illustration can be readable in PC/Mac by one of two ways below.
  • Please connect iPad to PC/Mac with USB cable and save by doing these steps:
    In case of Mac
    1. Please read your device in iPhoto.
    2. Please choose illustration from Library and click "Import selected".
    3. Please choose illustration in "Events" or "Photos" of "Library".
    4. Please click "Export" of "File" in menu bar.
    In case of Windows
    Please read your device from Explorer, choose and save illustration.
  • Please open "Photos" app in iPad and send saved illustration by "Email Photo" option enabled by tapping export icon.
Furthermore, that can make a movie automatically at the same time of illustration uploading.

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